Investment Strategies
Our equity strategy is based on a thorough fundamental analysis of high quality large cap companies. This includes in-depth review of the company’s financial statements and the evaluation of it s business and product lines. Portfolios consist of 30-35 stocks, diversified by market sector with limits on concentration within sectors. Stocks are sold when the fundamental reasons for owning them no longer exist. Turnover is low to ensure tax efficiency.
Fixed Income
Fixed income securities are selected with safety and liquidity in mind, in addition to yield. Bonds with investment grade ratings are heavily emphasized. Maturities are selected in accordance with client objectives. Selections are influenced by the structure of the yield curve at any point in time, as well as the differential in yields between various market sectors. A fixed income portfolio may consist of individual tax or tax-exempt bonds, mutual funds and ETF’s.
ETF Strategy
Comprehensive ETF portfolios are used to provide extensive diversification for clients who do not need or want individual stocks or bonds. Multiple combinations of equity and fixed income ETF’s are used to match your risk tolerance and liquidity needs with the expected performance of the portfolio. Asset classes include Large, Mid and Small Cap Equity, All Cap Multi-Style, Emerging Markets, Real Estate and Fixed Income.
Our financial planning experts will be happy to assist you.